Ins and Outs of 2024
First, I just want to say that I have been meaning to write this for over a month now. How the heck did we get to the end of February ALREADY?!
My dad used to say that the first 18 years of your life are like a marble rolling across a table. Once you hit 18, it's like the marble falling off. That's so real. Living in 2024 is so busy and days fly by so fast (especially with two kids). Anyway, that's neither here nor there and now it's time to get down to it.
I saw the trend on TikTok where people were listing their "ins and outs" for 2024. So, the things they're going to start doing and the things they're going to stop doing. LOVED this idea. It actually did make me stop and think a few times about what is important and who I want to be. Just because I'm 33 (Jesus year, y'all!), doesn't mean I can't grow!
So, let's start with the OUTS.
Speaking negatively about myself, whether it be about what is on the outside OR the inside
Friendships of convenience
Allowing postpartum rage to surface
Concerning myself about how others perceive me over how I perceive myself
Being a corporate pawn
Living super fast
Dwelling on past me or mistakes I've made and letting it overwhelm me to the point of stunting my growth
How do those sound? I think it's a good start, but I can definitely see myself adding more. I really want to focus a lot on the "self speak". I don't know what it is, but something about having my beautiful babies really flipped a switch in my brain and I am just NOT about speaking hate about my looks, my brain, who I am. I refuse to let them look up to me and that be what they see. I saw someone on TikTok (yeah, that again) who said to put up a photo of yourself as a little girl on your mirror or something like that, and every time you have the urge to say something bad about yourself, say it about her. cue tears and heavy breathing
Like, who could be mean to that face??? (don't worry, I could list some people)
Okay, so let's chat INS.
More reading. I made a goal of 30 books and started a book club, so things look promising!
Try out more baking (aka use the amazing bread making stuff ole brother in law Billy got me!)
Eat at home 5-6 times a week for dinner, FAMILY TIME
Less stressing about the state of the house...let it be lived in.
Complimenting others without fear of freaking them out (I a degree)
Forgiving myself
Find more creative ways to entertain my toddler
Break out the sewing machine Mrs. Kathy left me and learn to make some things!
Make new friends
Take a trip
Write more in my blog
Don't be ashamed to feed Greer formula (FED IS BEST, GIRL!)
Sure, those aren't THAT special. But it's a start. I want so badly to live more intentionally. So, this year I'm trying to figure out what that means for me.
What are some goals you have for this year? Doesn't have to be anything wild and crazy. Do you want to try something new? Go on a trip? Pick up that TBR pile and actually make a dent in it? I'd love to hear about it!
What's on your 2024 goal list?
Read More
Learn a New Skill
Better Self Love
Life is so short. I just want us all to be so proud of the way we're living it.
Love you, mean it,
Mother Abraham