Motherhood, am I right?
Okay, so I'm sure you're reading this and thinking to yourself, "Really? Another young, first time mother complaining about how hard it is? Like we don't already know..."

I get it, I don't think we all need another one of these. Although, I will say that us mothers have every right to "complain". Our bodies housed and grew whole humans for upwards of 10 months. Then, those same bodies went into an absolute FRENZY after birth. I'm sure I can spare you the gory details, but reach out if you're interested in hearing them in great detail with diagrams. All that aside, I think most of us get it.
So, why have I decided to write about it anyway? Because mama needs an outlet and I don't have the patience to write things in a physical diary. I'm a stay at home mom, and I can make conversation with a brick wall so I figured I might as well type it all up. Plus, maybe it can make someone feel a little less alone. I think we live in a world where it's nice to have people that talk about their experiences that are the same as ours. Pandemic aside, life can be lonely. So, I'm pretending to talk to a room full of people who want to listen to me drone on for a while. I'm sure my husband, my child, and my therapist will appreciate the small break. :)
Thinking about letting my next post be a sort of "meet the author" type beat. Check back soon, I'm really glad that you're here.